Periodical Checkups

Periodical Checkups Best Dental Implant Center Madurai

How often should I go to the dentist?

The standard recommendation is to visit your us twice a year for checkups and cleanings.

Why are twice a year appointments necessary?

The main reasons are:

  • So that we can check for problems that you might not see or feel
  • To allow us to find early signs of decay (decay doesn’t become visible or cause pain until it reaches more advanced stages.)
  • To treat any other oral health problems found (generally, the earlier a problem is found, the more manageable it is.)

Are there people who need more frequent or less frequent appointments?

Twice yearly appointments work well for most people; however, there are some people who may need to be seen more often. Such people include those who have:

  • Gum disease
  • Family members with a history of plaque build-up or cavities
  • A weakened immune system (the body’s own ability to fight off infections and diseases)
  • Experienced certain life events — particularly those that cause stress or illness. Under these circumstances, changes in the mouth or an infection could occur.

On the other hand, people who have taken great care of their teeth and gums and have gone years without any problems might need to see us less often.

What happens at the typical check up appointment?

The typical dental checkup visit usually includes the following oral health care activities:

  • Cleaning

Although home-based tooth brushing and flossing help remove plaque, only a professional cleaning – provided by your dentist or dental hygienist – can thoroughly clean your teeth and remove the hardened plaque (called calculus or tartar) that builds up on teeth. Most hygienists use a series of metal hand instruments to clean your teeth. Some are using ultrasonic scalers, which provide deep cleaning above and below the gum line.

  • Polishing

After your teeth have been cleaned, they are polished to remove plaque and stains on the tooth surface. The polish contains an abrasive substance and fluoride, and is applied using a small rotating rubber cup or brush attached to the dental handpiece.

  • Prevention

Your hygienist might offer additional instructions for you to follow at home, based on the results of your exam. Don’t hesitate to ask your hygienist for instructions about brushing or flossing, or general care questions about your teeth and gums.

  • X-rays— X-rays may or may not be taken during your checkup. Your dentist will consider your oral exam, dental history, and risk for developing cavities to decide how often you need x-rays.
  • Treatment recommendations— If any oral health problems are found during your examination, your dentist will make recommendations for the best next steps. These might include referral to another oral health care specialist, additional diagnostic tests, or advice to return for restoration work (for example, fillings and crowns) or additional oral health care.

If I am visiting a new dentist for the first time, what essential information do I need to share with the dentist?

Your new dentist will want to learn about your oral health so that he or she can notice changes or problems more easily during future visits. First, however, even before the review of your oral health, your dentist will want to know more about your general health. Areas that he or she will discuss include:

  • Medical history/current medicines— Your dentist will want to know if you have been diagnosed with any diseases. It is important to tell your dentist all of your health issues, not just those you think relate to your mouth. Several diseases, diabetes for example, can increase the risk of gum disease, may require use of a different anesthesia or even a different approach to treatments or prevention.
  • Bring a list of all medicines you are currently taking and their dosages. Some medicines can cause dry mouth, which can increase your risk of cavities. Other important reasons for your dentist to know your medicines are so that he or she doesn’t prescribe a medicine that could interact with one you are already taking and to change the type of anesthesia given, if necessary.
  • Current dental health— Don’t hesitate to tell your dentist if you think you have a new cavity, sensitive teeth, feel any lumps or bumps, or have any oral health concerns. By informing your dentist of any symptoms you might be experiencing, you might help him or her make an early diagnosis.
  • Dental fears— Let your dentist know if you have any fears about going to the dentist or receiving dental care. Dental treatments have changed drastically from years ago and so have pain management options. Your dentist will discuss ways to ease your fears, minimize pain and make you feel more comfortable.

My dentist’s office called to inform me that my next appointment would be a comprehensive exam. What does this involve?

Comprehensive dental exams not only check for tooth decay and gum health but also examine your entire mouth, head, and neck area. This type of exam is generally given if you are a first-time patient to a new dentist, but should also be given periodically by any dentist you’ve been visiting for years. The comprehensive exam will likely include these evaluations:

  • Head and neck— Your dentist will look for any problems on your head and neck, as well as feel for any swelling or tenderness (which are signs of an infection or disease) in your lymph nodes and salivary glands in your neck area. Your dentist will also examine your temporomandibular joint (connects the jawbone to the skull) to make sure it is working properly.
  • Soft tissue— The soft tissues of your mouth include the tongue, inside of the lips and cheeks and the floor and roof of the mouth. These areas are examined for any spots, lesions, cuts, swellings or growths. These could indicate an oral health problem. The back of your throat and tonsil area will also be inspected.
  • Gum tissue— Your gums and supporting structures of the teeth will be looked at for signs of gum disease, which include red or puffy gum tissue and tissue that easily bleeds when gently probed. If you do have gum disease, your dentist may send you to a periodontist (dental gum specialist).
  • Occlusion— How well your upper and lower teeth come together will be checked. Your dentist might simply look at how your teeth meet or have you bite into wax if a more careful exam of your bite is necessary.
  • Clinical examination of teeth— Signs of tooth decay are looked for on the surface of every tooth. Your dentist will likely probe your teeth with a dental instrument, called an explorer, to look for cavities. (Decayed enamel feels softer when probed compared to healthy enamel.) Your dentist will also check for any problems with fillings, braces, bridges, dentures, crowns, or other restorations.
  • X-rays— Your dentist will assign a certified technician to take X-rays to look for signs of tooth decay, as well as for gum disease and other oral health problems.

Dentist will Examine your teeth and gums for signs of tooth hygienist will clean your teeth regular dental check ups is the best way Periodical Checkups

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